Wednesday, February 2, 2011



Dolphins are everywhere down here. You see them anywhere the water is over five feet deep. You see them alone. You see them in groups. You see them in the distance, you see them behind you. They surface, they jump your wakes, they look at you, the play in the water. And I'm getting the feeling they are following us.

This suspicion was confirmed by other crews that mentioned the same sinking feeling. You see a dolphin surface, and instead of following its path, it seems to surface closer to you. You can't guess where they're going to surface because it's almost like they don't have anywhere in particular to go. They just always seem to get closer to you. And they're everywhere you are.

We had an amazing instance where we stopped the boat in a particularly deep bay, and the dolphins approached us. They played, and seemed to show off to us. They surfaced and looked at us, surrounded our boat, and circled. For 20 minutes they played with us, doing silly tail stands, or choreographed surfacing. Another crew farther down the coast, had a dolphin come up and touch her feet hanging off the boat.

One of my theories is the rich fishing in the area leads to the increase in dolphins. Although it would seem equally as possible they are as curious about us as we are about them. It could also be they are attracted to fishing boats, where they can steal fish from. I can't imagine the locals, with such a love for killing animals, would enjoy the dolphins. I'm betting they think they're a nuisance. I feel safer when they're around. I'd rather have curious dolphins surrounding me when I'm waiting for rescue, than the eerie silence of the open ocean. Dan maintains a cautious outlook on them, fearing they can turn on you as fast as any other wild animal. They do kill sharks. But they also kill sharks, which is also a good thing, right?

All I know is I'm bringing a beach ball out on the ocean now...

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